
Customized for you, with you.

For beauty that shines from the inside out.


    This is the true meaning of beauty from the inside out. Acupuncture and herbs create homeostasis in our body, which allows for cellular repair and slowing of the aging process. If you’d like to take things a step further, we offer Mei Zei “facelifts” as well as microneedling to work on the smile lines life has created.


    Photoaging or sun damage, melasma, and age spots affect the best of us! Microneedling is a great option for improving skin’s function and evening out melanocytes that give our skin its color, to provide a more even tone on the face, neck, and decolletage.


    Cupping is a little-known secret when it comes to cellulite. We are currently formulating a cellulite combating balm.


    Whether on a delicate area such as the face or where you had a C-section to bring that beautiful baby into the world, to larger areas of stretch marks, or a wound that healed funny, microneedling and gua sha can break up that scar tissue and bring it back to functioning skin.


    Acupuncture & herbs are a great starting point for dealing with the inner biome to balance the skin. We tailor the herbs to your body to bring down inflammation and oil production. Once the skin calms, microneedling is a great adjunct therapy to improve the skin barrier, further fine-tune appearance, and prevent future breakouts.


    These and many other skin conditions are often linked to immune system dysfunction or gut dysbiosis. And yes, acupuncture and herbs can help with that! We highly recommend dietary therapy and sessions under our professional light therapy lamp in the process of getting your immune system and digestion functioning on all four cylinders.